Michelle Krusiec

"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man, Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate

楊雅慧回台探戲路 搶演白蛇傳
Tuesday, December 27, 2005



妹妹步紅毯 祝福滿滿



至於和侯德健密會, 是否代表將演出「白蛇傳」?楊雅慧急忙撇清說:「我和侯先生只是碰面認識而已。」侯德健則表示,楊雅慧的確很符合該片要找的女主角人選,「我們一定要找以英語為母語的華人女星,以楊雅慧的成績,我們的選角經理一定會主動和她聯繫。」


【2005/12/27 自由時報】


Posted by zoe @ 12/27/2005 02:07:00 AM


At 27/12/05 15:20, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle 演"白蛇傳" ??? 不是吧? 難以想像.演白蛇還是青蛇? 不會是法海吧. *不敢想*


At 27/12/05 15:36, Blogger zoe said...


At 27/12/05 15:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...


zoe, 我發現forum也有在討論這個新聞. 建議如果有些posts,你不希望我們在這裡討論,就拿掉comment的功能.不然,別人還以為我特地搞破壞,哈哈



At 28/12/05 00:32, Blogger Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...

Hi Michelle,

Maybe you can do the English version of Musical drama "Butterfly Lovers" and plays 梁山伯 and Lynn can plays 祝英台。Since "Perhaps Love" may revived the trend for Musical Drama we can bring back all these memorable films of the 80s?


你应该早点这样说。在这里是不能发表任何各人言论,只能问候Michelle. 连留言也是不行的。可能他们争对的是我而不是内容吧。我的见解是,企图控制别人是一种霸道的思想与行为。要给意见就应当对着所有人讲而不是指名道性信对着我一个人讲。我也没生气,只是不解,人为什么不能和气共处。我本来就不爱发脾气。朋友间是出了名的冷静。但我爱打包不平。而且不合理的要求我不会委缩,会抵抗。这是性格使然。

Anyway, I am effectively Bilingual. Can read and write both language. PK, you got me into this mess....hahaha.


I'm waiting to get bombarded again.


At 28/12/05 01:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

一想到Michelle穿古裝,我就差點從椅字上跌下來.嘗試看看也不錯,反正也沒做過.不過,我真的佷難想像咧. 從Wil 到他真實本人已經是佷大的"革命"了,哈哈.我喜歡他本人多點,搞笑死了,又大方得體.

舞台劇應該是Michelle的強項吧?都可以自己一個人搞定"Made in Taiwan"了.


At 28/12/05 10:43, Blogger Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...

Don't you think, MK and Lynn will be good playing the characters from Butterfly Lover instead of "白蛇傳". Anyway "白蛇傳" have been played so many times.... sian already! and I love bittersweet love stories...

Since Michelle love challenges, she ought to play 古装 female sword fighter....haha

At 28/12/05 14:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Butterfly Lover" is definitely better than "白蛇傳" but what language are they going to use? Chinese or English? If it is Chinese, I don't think they can handle within such a short time and with their accent, I suspect it might turn out to be a comedy instead(sorry ladies). If it is in English then I am not too sure, I have never watch one in English, I just worried it will turn out to be 不倫不類.

At 28/12/05 15:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...





At 28/12/05 18:46, Blogger Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...

I think most people expect to get connection to Michelle K through visiting this blog, so they do not want that opportunity of being singled out as the biggest fan to be taken away from them with too many lenghty post in the way. Perhaps that's why they were against our discussion.

I agree with PK, 她不算是標準美女型。但她佷會表達自己也很有自信,很次聪明。

At 28/12/05 19:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eehoon, you can't blame them, it is a natural feeling being a fan :) To michelle, it is an encouragement to see so many pple supporting too though it is just simply 3 words. A performer
needs direct encouragement to get the "energy". For discussion wise, I think they will speak to professionals like you and pple in the same line. Seems like pple like me has no position. Not fans and not arts professional :S

At 28/12/05 22:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

可不可以chill? 大家都已經不理妳了, 妳還是可以在這個話題上一直打轉, 老是認為大家在針對妳. 拜託! 我們這裡誰也不認識誰, 我們幹麻針對妳?! 有那麼多人對妳的留言有意見, 那妳是否曾經反省想過為什麼? 不要一昧的要怪罪別人, 自己想一大堆的陰謀論.

一開始看到妳們幾個聊起來, 我也覺得還好. 但是到最後話題是有點偏了點, 但是我沒膽說話. 後來有人說話了. 我還蠻高興的. 後來看到妳諷刺連篇的留言. 第一篇的時候, 我想每個人在處理與自己有關的事情時, 總是會有點情緒上的發言, 我就想說大家話說說, 發洩完就算了. 但是妳不是, 一直說個不停, 就連到現在還在說! 縱使妳說妳並不生氣, 但是妳所說的話都是在諷刺別人. 妳一直擺著高姿態的想炫燿自己的智慧, 但是妳炫燿的方式卻都是用踩在別人的頭上來表現的. 說什麼 “it’s so lame to just say ‘I love you, Michelle’”. 妳有沒有想過對那些英文不是很好, 又或者表達能力不是很好的fans 來說, 她們所能表達的可能只能用最簡單的話. 一句‘我愛妳’跟 "我支持妳" 可能是她們所能說的, 但是她們對mk 的支持絕不少於妳!

對方只是提出疑問, 想說妳們討論的話題是否不適合在這裡, 對妳個人跟留言內容本身並無任何批評. 但是妳回應的卻是批評人, 批評別人所說的話. 還擺高姿態的表現出妳一付不屑與人吵的樣子, 可是一切爭吵的原點卻都是妳所引起的!

說什麼mature fans like you don’t merge well with the young ones, 說別人霸道….妳的finger 永遠是在 point at 別人. 妳從不懂得反省. 永遠認為別人不夠好, 認為別人無法接受妳, 都是因為別人不成熟, 想愛現, 所以才會來針對妳. 妳說妳冷靜, 妳不生氣, 但是妳表達出來的全是怨言.

為什麼別人會只給妳意見? 因為只有妳讓人覺得不堪其煩, 不懂謙虛聆聽別人的話. 當初留言給妳的那位影迷有再對妳的留言發表意見嗎? 沒有! 可是妳卻是沒辦法get over, 一直要在這個話題打轉, 好像如果得不到妳所要的”公理”就不善罷甘休的樣子. 不成熟的是妳, 因為妳沒辦法讓過去的過去, 說 case closed 的是妳, 但是一直繞著這話題不願干休的也是妳.

妳知道妳最大的問題是什麼嗎? 妳最大的問題就是不知道妳自己有問題!!!

我承認我話說的很直接, 要怎麼看我的話, 是妳的選擇. 我不後悔我所說的. 只是希望妳能夠停止這種無聊的話語. 沒錯, 每個人都有發言的自由, 但是在發言的同時也請妳尊重這裡的每個人, 人必先自重而後人重之.

只是, zoe, 不好意思, 可能有點破壞了妳得來不易的融合氣氛.


At 28/12/05 22:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 28/12/05 23:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...


eehoon: 內容沒有偏離,每個人應有表達的立場.阻止他人言論不是佷應該.

L.A fan:討論的內容比較適合方在討論區.


L.A fan, "Case Closed" 是我講的.你在講我啊? 哦,不好意思,給你講自己都不知道.

"Case Closed" 了,好不好? 這樣不好玩啦.

At 29/12/05 11:09, Blogger Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...




“但是妳炫燿的方式卻都是用踩在別人的頭上來表現的“ - 这是你的看法而已。

“it’s so lame to just say ‘I love you, Michelle’”.

Yes, I will feel lame if I've said these myself, when I have more to contribute then just merely saying I love you. I enjoyed watching Michelle and admire her acting skill but no I do not need to love her like others. But others can love her I have never stopped them but I would not write that in the blog myself.

“妳有沒有想過對那些英文不是很好, 又或者表達能力不是很好的fans 來說, 她們所能表達的可能只能用最簡單的話. 一句‘我愛妳’跟 "我支持妳"“

有想过。也提议过帮他们翻译。If you insist on my saying that statement was aiming at those who are weak in Chinese I have nothing to say.

"但是她們對mk 的支持絕不少於妳!"
OH definitely.

"因為只有妳讓人覺得不堪其煩, 不懂謙虛聆聽別人的話" .

- 那你们有没有謙虛聆聽別人的話? 有吗?



“我承認我話說的很直接, 要怎麼看我的話, 是妳的選擇. 我不後悔我所說的. 只是希望妳能夠停止這種無聊的話語“


“I think most people expect to get connection to Michelle K through visiting this blog, so they do not want that opportunity of being singled out as the biggest fan to be taken away from them with too many lenghty post in the way. Perhaps that's why they were against our discussion.“

you will offended by this post? Well I was responding to a message I had received. Believe it or not. It was just a casual thoughts. of course you will not believe that.

To Zoe,

I read the shoutbox. you were actually supportive of LA Fan's message. Alright, in that case like I say before I respect the blog owners view. But true as PK said, there are always many ways to interprete a passage. Those against you will see it from a hateful point of view.


Anyway, PK thanks for trying to patch things up. I don't think it is going to work. Anyway, this time seriously I won't be back and thank you for trusting me.

Right I was not the one who said CASE CLOSE. See it goes to prove they only skimmed through the surface. Well what can I do?


At 29/12/05 15:47, Blogger zoe said...

燕云...我從沒很明白表明我站在哪一方,也沒有說過我支持誰,在shout box我僅以「對文不對人」的方式,說過我讚賞那段話,只因為L.A FAN體諒某些FANS的心讓我覺的很窩心罷了。但我也沒有因為讚賞了誰的話而偏坦某一方,也不會明白道出你們誰有錯,誰沒有錯,我想很多事都是公道自在人心,我知道PK支持你,但也是有其他FANS聲援L.A FAN...說是管理者的身份就太沈重了,也就是因為這樣很多事不方便插手,我只希望大家互相尊重,也許這樣下次就不會有再次的紛爭了

At 5/1/06 11:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not quite sure about the source of the report...
The Liberty on 12/27/05 stated that Michelle went to back to Taiwan to attend her sister's wedding the "past week." I thought Michelle's sister got married on 10/29/2005.

At 5/1/06 16:39, Blogger zoe said...


At 13/2/06 23:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, can anyone translate the chinese comment above? Is it some sort of argument or comment on MK?

Way to go, mate for the stunning performance in "Saving Face".

Awesome & superb blog!



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