"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Big Thanks
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
This is a big THANK YOU to Zoe who has designed my new website and has put so much attention and care to this Blogspot. Zoe you are truly the best and sweetest. People like you and the fans who have contributed by posting and sending in clips, you guys are real gems. Thanks guys for constantly keeping in touch with me and checking in from time to time.
Oh I noticed several of you keep asking about the soundtrack. If you want the Saving Face soundtrack, you need to call in Sony Classics in Los Angeles and make a formal request. The more you ask, the easier it is for them to get the picture.
Big kiss.
Labels: messages
Posted by Michelle @ 2/15/2006 09:31:00 PM |
- At 15/2/06 22:00, said...
Hi MK,
I am glad I am the first to post comment, I looked at time, n think I got on web just after you finished. B4 I go to bed, I need to calm down my emotions a little bit, so I get on line. By looking your pictures I feel relaxing and getting out of stress. It makes me dream back to my young age. I have been thinking you need to grow up. If you have time, take a look of Meryl Streep's website. No worry, you are really doing well on your career. I believe you can be the Chinese Meryl Streep. Hope you don't mind I use Meryl to compare. Meryl is a great actress in my mind. Michelle Krusiec WILL be another great actress! - At 15/2/06 22:44, said...
So many people want the soundtrack XD ..
Zoe is the best!!! haha ^___^ - At 15/2/06 23:18, said...
I'd love to have the soundtrack too. Will send in a request to Sony. Michelle, it's so nice to hear from you time to time, especially before bed time. You will put me into a good sleep tonight :)
Thank you Zoe again. Your efforts benefit so many of us! - At 16/2/06 02:46, said...
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the advise....We will certainly send a formal request. We have been dying to have a copy of the soundtrack ever since.....
Your messages never fail to revive us - At 16/2/06 03:35, said...
zoe 真是最好的FANS了...給你打氣.加油
MK ...支持你
一切都為MK..認真的女人最美 - At 16/2/06 08:58, said...
Thank you Zoe :) ... but do you think you can get some trivia questions from Michelle...things like what's favorite band..(besides Coldplay), favoriate food, that kind of stuff?
- At 16/2/06 09:06, said...
zoe真是fans之光啊~ 給你拍拍手~
- At 17/2/06 00:40, said...
we should say thank you to you too, zoe.
you are really great, this blog is very much like a family to us fans, and michelle\'s website looks fantastic after your hard work. 3Q - At 17/2/06 01:16, said...
Dear Michelle,
It is really nice to read words from you again. :) I noticed you got thiner in the clip of New Year Greeting, did you? Be sure to take care of yourself. We wait for your excellent performance.
Yes. I also want to thank zoe. Thanks you so much for collecting all these information for us. This blog is so elegant, and it lets us keep in good touch with michelle. We do appreciate what you have done!
virgule - At 17/2/06 06:12, said...
thank you very much to Zoe and MK, too. I am very glad you keep your eyes on fans. And, 我們用中文的話,你懂嗎?
- At 17/2/06 12:37, said...
Miki - At 18/2/06 04:15, Jenny said...
Hi, Michelle
Nice to read the message you left.
How are you? hope everything is good.
Do you eat special food?
If you like spicy food, recommend a spicy chafing dish that is famous in tw.
Looking forward to your new performance.
Taiwan, Jenny - At 19/2/06 17:18, Michelle said...
hey guys, i posted on another section - i think under the "year of the dog" posting. so you can check that out too for my latest response. take care.
- At 21/2/06 00:52, said...
Hey Michelle,
I saw your blog via Gary Chou's manja.org . Anyway, I did see Saving Face and I recommended to my mom and my brother.
If you can imagine how embarrased my 29 year old brother would be to go out to even do ONE thing with my mom (who is from Taiwan), you'd be happily surprised to know that they both laughed and enjoyed the movie together!
Was wondering how your parents reacted when they saw your movie, but I bet that's in your _Made In Taiwan_ piece?
Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of your work and hope to see _Made in Taiwan_ here in San Francisco one day.
(PS The names of my family members have been changed to protect the innocent) :) - At 21/2/06 08:51, said...
Wa, Michelle, I love U. You care your fans, great!
- At 24/2/06 05:33, said...
wow, new pictures and new article!
is it possible for us to read the article? the font is too small to read.
Greetings to Michelle, work hard and have fun - At 24/2/06 08:23, Tina said...
hi michelle ^^
You're so great!
The new picture really impress me.
Hope to see more of you.
Take care~
P.S Thank you to Zoe~ - At 24/2/06 09:00, said...
Michelle, ma belle
Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble...^o^~~♬
i love your voice~!
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND~~ (^_^)/ - At 24/2/06 11:50, said...
I can read the article fine @_@ is that not normal
- At 26/2/06 21:25, said...
i really like the website and the blog, all thks to zoe. very nice pics of michelle :) when's the next chat session? :p
- At 26/2/06 22:14, said...
I agree with escenkay, you need to perform your show up in the Bay Area ASAP! I'm sure the asian-american community will appreciate it. I've enjoyed your work immensely in Saving Face (I watch it at least once a day. o_0) Wil and Vivian are such a cute couple in the movie. :)
BTW, I <3 Michelle! - At 27/2/06 20:29, said...
I think most of us felt for SF becos we are chinese/asian? I could totally feel and understand the relationship between Wil and Ma. We all love and care for our mums but just can't stand the nagging and the way they try to manipulate and control our lives such as the clothes we wear, the friends we choose...it's just so natural for Chinese mums to do that!
Perhaps Michelle can share if this movie has made her discover how deep her Chinese roots truly were.
Keep up the good work Michelle and really looking forward to seeing your next movie! - At 27/2/06 22:06, said...
Wil: "If you want to blast on someone, go find yourself a husband to blast on"
What an attitude from a daughter err...speaking for myself :X - At 28/2/06 08:46, said...
So... I guess I don't have much to add to the other comments... But good on you, for being part of the Saving Face crew. I'm a Chinese-Indonesian Dutch gay girl (speaking of minorities). You can't even imagine what this movie has done for my life, for my parents, my family. Long story, I'll spare you the details.
I work for the Cinemasia Film Festival in the Netherlands. I also work for the Pink Filmdays. I hope to see you at either festival on the big screen sometime. HAH! No no no, let me rephrase: I hope to see you there in person sometime. Granted I will trip over something, hit my head, pass out and not see you at all... It could be the best encounter I've never had.
I love your works, I simply adore you... You're my fairytale heroin. And for all that, many thanks from me.
Much love,
PS: I'm also looking forward to the soundtrack! I've already noticed the Cat Power contribution. ;) - At 1/3/06 05:08, said...
@PK: It's "bust on" not "blast on". Reason why I remember is because I've watched the movie over 30+ times already o.0
I've been recommending it to everyone I know, and people think I'm nuts for having watched it that many times.
I can totally relate to this movie because Wil reminds me a lot of myself. I'm a shy vietnamese-american bisexual tomboy with a korean-american femme girlfriend. Both of our mothers know about "us" but they avoid the subject.
They should make a SAVING FACE II movie. Wil and Viv finally move in together but Viv wants to have a baby (she realizes that she does love children). So, begins Wil and Viv's journey on finding a sperm donor. Mix that in with Ma's new hair salon business and the hijinks that'll ensue between Wil and Ma's new daughter who is around 2-3 years old now. What do you guys think? ^_^
Michelle gave the best performance in this movie. That is the reason why I've watched it so many times. :) - At 1/3/06 21:11, said...
- At 2/3/06 00:43, said...
@chinkgirl: Yah I know it's L Word"ish", but can't you tell that I watch the L Word too! :-D
Here's another plot for you then. Viv and Wil decide to get married. But Wil has the wedding jitters, and all of a sudden her ex-gf (the one that Ma caught her with) shows up! And the ex-gf will be played by me! ::Evil Grin:: Ah, that'll be like a dream come true! ^_^ Wil then has to re-evaluate what her priorities are in life. - At 5/3/06 00:22, said...
@chinkgirl and chinggai:
I'm glad that you liked my idea. :-P I was thinking of starting a fan fiction based on the characters of Saving Face... because I love them so much!
On a MK related note, I watched one of her episodes of Travellers when she went to Japan. Wow, she looked so young in it. There was one part where she said "Wow" and I was like OMG, reminds me so much of Wil. It just made me feel all giddy inside. ^_^ - At 5/3/06 15:29, said...
We didn't say we don't love the way MK DOLLS' herself up, as you put it...
And we all know she's a convincing actress,that's the reason why we are all here,that's why you are here.
Of course she is not WIL, for WIL is only a fictional character,but a lot of us relate to her in our own little way,when she played WIL.
So RELAX,we love MK,it doesn't matter what kind of role she plays,or what she wears,it just so happens that we are crazy about WIL!!!! - At 6/3/06 05:21, said...
agree with above..
we love mk just because she played wil this character so well~
I have to say:"Michelle, you're amazing in SF!"
hope didn't raise another unhappy issue ohhh.. - At 6/3/06 05:21, said...
agree with above..
we love mk just because she played wil this character so well~
I have to say:"Michelle, you're amazing in SF!"
hope didn't raise another unhappy issue ohhh.. - At 6/3/06 11:35, said...
@ee hoon
homosexuals = lesbians & gays FYI - At 6/3/06 19:00, said...
hey people! with MK's talents and charisma, naturally she attracts fans from all walks of life. jus to set the record straight, this fan here is already in her late 30s and definitely straight!
- At 6/3/06 19:31, said...
- At 6/3/06 19:53, said...
dear anonymous,
hey...cool it! i was already voting when SF was in 11th place! - At 6/3/06 20:04, Michelle said...
hey guys, just checkin in. So, some of you like the dressed down Wil. Well, I love Wil and always "will" (ha ha), but the truth is I'm a lot girlier than Wil. However, there's something wonderfully simple and real about Wil and I think that's a part of me too. If it wasn't, I don't think I would have been able to play her. In the mornings I certainly don't wake up feeling girlie, I just love certain girlie things like makeup and fashion. I think it's because I grew up with two older brothers my whole life and we didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I had to wear my brother's hand me downs. I also shopped at a lot of thrift stores as a kid which made me really think about how to make cheap clothes look good. Isn't it funny that now in Hollywood, thrift store clothes are so desirable and expensive! So now that I'm older and can dress myself, I admit, I really like to dress up whenever I can and be feminine. But when it comes to expressing myself, I like to think that there are days when I can be girlie or I can be wacky or sporty or stupid...well, you get the point. Hopefully, I can show you guys more sides of myself through my work with future roles. Right now, I've got some projects in the works - as soon as they are firm - I'll be sure to let you all know. Big girlie kiss....or a simple shy "Wil" one, however, you prefer ; ) love, michelle
- At 6/3/06 20:07, said...
The next Alice Wu?! Ah... thanks. Well I do have a lot of stories to tell about my mom and I'm actually trying to write a book about her. But it's so hard...
Maybe someday if I ever do write a story I can send it to Alice to direct! :-P
Hm, a lot of drama over MK and the character Wil. We should just concentrate on spreading our love for MK. In a way, a lot of actresses/actors put themselves into their characters.
@ ee hoon:
I agree with you about someone like Wil exists in our society. I'm very much like Wil although I consider myself bisexual but leaning more towards women at this point in my life.
Why don't we move this over to MK's forum? Her forum is hurtin' and I would love to chat with you gals and guys over there (instead of having to use MK's blog comment section).
Here's the link if you guys can't find it:
Come on and register! :)
I'm known as amrayu at the forums. My real name is Duong though. Nice to meet you all! - At 6/3/06 20:13, said...
Aw, shit. Michelle just posted as I was entering my post! We <3 you Michelle!
Big girlie kiss or simple shy "Wil" kiss? I'll take both please! :-)
I'm looking forward to your future projects on pins and needles. - At 6/3/06 20:32, said...
hi michelle!
glad u finally pop in! that should heal all the fans' withdrawal symptoms.
hope u've been happily busy and we don't need to strain our necks too long to see your next project!
"...you really should eat better."
do take care! - At 6/3/06 20:54, said...
well, "...sometimes your body knows what u really want!"
heehee! :)
totally love SF! - At 6/3/06 21:13, said...
I want more Wil dialogue!
- At 6/3/06 21:20, said...
"so...how come we never met before now?" - At 6/3/06 21:40, said...
u're too fast!
we can't leave out:
"You're not just a nice Chinese girl." - At 6/3/06 21:41, said...
LOL @ chinggai. I love that line.
"so...how come we never met before now?"
And I loved Wil's face when she said this, swooshi. - At 6/3/06 21:43, said...
Yah, swooshi. I was 8, you were 9.
- At 6/3/06 21:50, said...
one of my favourite:
Little girl asks: "Are you guys gonna kiss?"
Wil says: "Huh?...What?...No!"
and...Vivian was so amused! - At 6/3/06 21:56, said...
bad mistake!
should have been:
Wil: "Huh?...No!...What?..." - At 6/3/06 21:59, said...
Ah... I'm in the company of fellow SF addicts. Glad that I'm not alone! :-P
@chinggai I got your email! Thanks for emailing me girl! I'm replying to it now. :)
You guys have MSN messenger? Add me fools! amrayu@hotmail.com - At 6/3/06 22:13, said...
DARNIT! Uh... yahoo? amrayu
AIM? amrer1978
HEHEHE! I'll sign onto those now. - At 6/3/06 22:13, said...
"Ma...you can't give him a paper plate!"
"It's rude!" - At 6/3/06 22:42, said...
請尊重其他的FANS - At 6/3/06 22:47, said...
Hey you guys, if you’re just for some chitchat.
Plz go to michellekrusiec club chatroom - At 6/3/06 22:58, said...
Sorry Zoe. We just got carried away. We love Saving Face too much!
Also I had mentioned the forums earlier. I hope more people will post there. - At 7/3/06 11:08, Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
- At 7/3/06 15:15, said...
@ ee hoon:
You forgot to mention Memoirs of a Geisha. It won numerous Oscars for costume/cinematography etc.
I hope that Michelle can headline a big Hollywood motion picture comparable to Memoirs. She deserves it! - At 7/3/06 20:06, said...
hey ee hoon!
relax! we're all here becos we enjoy it so dun take others' comments too personally. u should be stress-free when u're here!
i love this blog!
i always look forward to seeing michelle's comments and most of all, i love u guys here for being so helpful sharing whatever info u get on michelle! top credit goes to zoe of course!
michelle, maybe u can share on any community work u've been involved before? i voluinteer in a mentoring program for kids from poor/dysfnctional families and hv been doing it for 10 years. - At 7/3/06 21:09, said...
hey Ee-Hoon I am sure nobody is taking special interest in just your post, it's a general post for everyone here. They didn't address it to you right? And I don't think they were talking about you either really. You seem like you think too much :) lighten up a little.
- At 7/3/06 23:50, said...
hi michelle,
i couldn't find "pickle juice" you mentioned. I can find "pickle ginger" and other pickles, can I just take the juice of these? If not, can you take a pix? Can't try your recipe yet :/
Err...sorry others, let me side track to her recipe.
side note: So happy Ang Lee won the Best Director in Oscar. Open doors to many possibilies.... - At 8/3/06 01:01, Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...
Respond to Katy:
Oh yes, "Annoymous" always attention her post to @eehoon. Did you read. post in particular?
In general:
I'm not upset with hers/his comment. However I'm often worry that my thoughts will upset others, that's why its a little tense for me... even now as I type this. I had bad experience posting in here before.
To everyone,
I find Wil an extremely interesting character to watch in the movie. All her reactions and response were very natural and tickle your laugh bugs. She and Ma added comedic elements to their dialogue with their expression and eyes contact. Saving Face is fun filled, heartwarming and very real in respect to the mother and daughter relationship. Anyway, its good that Michelle responded very positively about the dress down Wil. The reason I've enjoyed watching Michelle is also because of her true self and her frankness in most of the interview I have seen of her. I think this is a very chinese thing "the frankness". I guess being Asian American gives one that advantage of having the characteristic of both culture and upbringing. Very interesting indeed. - At 8/3/06 01:12, Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
- At 8/3/06 07:04, said...
hi ee hoon
instead of seeing Lee Ang direct SF i would rather see Alice Wu direct something like BBM 10 years...no, 5 years from now and win an Oscar!
go Alice go! you can do it girl!
we'll all go crazy posting on the blog if that happens!
: ) - At 8/3/06 11:50, said...
Ang Lee directing Saving Face? I would have to agree with Swooshi that Saving Face is Alice Wu's baby. She had this vision of Saving Face with her for 5 years. So, who knows the script better? Alice Wu. And part of Wil's character is based on Alice herself. I'm not sure if Ang Lee would've been able to give Michelle, Joan Chen and Lynn Chen the proper direction and guidance. Michelle even studied Alice's little behaviors and incorporated them into Wil.
Also Ang Lee's speciality is dramatic pictures, I'm not sure if he could pull off a romantic comedy (with some drama) like Saving Face. We would definitely see a different kind of movie if he had directed Saving Face. - At 8/3/06 12:22, said...
Anonymous is not a name for a person really, it means "anonymous". So each anonymous post might be from different people.
- At 9/3/06 02:25, Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
- At 9/3/06 02:32, said...
I know about "annoymous" not being a person. To be exact, its a person who has either not set up an account with blogger, not signed into the account or who don't wish to be known. Like now, I can post as annoymous too.
I wish though that those who wish to respond to other posting to leave their ID so that we can respond accordingly.
Ee-Hoon - At 9/3/06 10:38, said...
Saving Face had a very tight schedule. Shot in 27 days and their budget was a little tight. There may be some obvious flaws in the editing, but just take Saving Face as it is--this little gem of a movie, with all it's little quirks and charms. This is why I love the movie so much. If we get too analytical about it, like what if... or what if that... etc, then you're taking away from what the movie was meant to convey.
This comment section is getting a little bit off topic and rather long (and kinda hard to load too), so we should take any further discussion to Michelle's forums. I think the webmaster and Michelle might appreciate it.
BTW, I watched Michelle's appearances in Grey's Anatomy, NCIS and Weeds. All 3 showed a different side to Michelle's acting abilities, which I was pleased to see. It's time to scour Netflix to find the rest of Michelle's performances. :) I wish Michelle had her own TV show though. Regardless, I still enjoy her work! - At 9/3/06 11:24, Ee Hoon . 燕云 said...
I'm the culprit, I'm rather long winded. My apologys, have to do with the age.
I agree with Duong about not being too analytical about the movie. I believe Alice knows where the continuity faults are, I'm sure she wished she had more time to get all these rights. Actually, they do have a professional production team which is why the cinematography and most of the film colour setting and tone etc were very well controlled and lit. The sound was good. The continuity issues lies on the continuity person, sometimes the director can save it during post production sometimes not. On the whole the first time I watch it everything seem perfect. The first impression was the deepest so that left a lasting memory.
My favorite was the clean, minimalist opening scene with the contrasting black and white where Wil was masking her face and the phone rang, then the sound track came on. From that opening alone, you can tell the tremendous potential of Alice Wu in creativity and sensitivity.
Welcome you all to visit my blog for further discussion instead of taking up space here. I shall keep the posting short over here from here on. My apology again. - At 9/3/06 19:39, said...
hi duong & chinggai,
u guys seem to read my mind. had exactly the same thoughts. i enjoy the SF movie, like the storyline, admire the director, love the cast esp michelle, it's a great movie, period.
i also saw michelle's appearances in those tv dramas duong mentioned, thanks again to fans on the net for sharing them. And that's how i discovered michelle is such a versatile actress and natural performer. grey's anatomy is running on cable tv in s'pore and i can't wait to see the episode with michelle in it.
yup, let's not clog this blog with long analysis of SF or any other movies.
ps: hey chinggai, congrats on winning the lotto! pls use the $ to buy more SF dvds for your friends! - At 13/3/06 04:21, ling said...
還是很喜歡她....加油mk(期待新作問世) - At 10/4/06 07:11, said...
Simply the best. "Saving Face" is the most astonishing movie I've ever seen. You are awesome. This is another movie which I played repeatedly after Titanic. *thumbs up* Keep it up MK =)
- At 10/4/06 07:18, said...
Simply the best. "Saving Face" is the most astonishing movie I've ever seen. You are awesome. This is another movie which I played repeatedly after Titanic. *thumbs up* Keep it up MK =)