"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Hey Everyone,
I will be serving as a judge at this year's Mr. Asia USA contest benefiting AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Tickets are still available for the gala this weekend in Los Angeles, April 7th.
I am thrilled to participate on behalf of this cause.
Yours truly,

Labels: events
Posted by Michelle @ 4/04/2007 01:40:00 AM |
- At 4/4/07 02:44, kookaii said...
hi michelle
I would love to go if i wasn't like half a world away from LA. What a shame.
glad to see your post again. I just make it a habit to check your blog everyday. Crazy. Sure looking forward to your new works.
you rock!!
P - At 4/4/07 05:35, phoenix said...
sofa 米有了~~~~
Congratulations ~~~~~
A ZA~~ A ZA~~ Fighting~~~
Support you ~~~~~
noodle ^ ^
from mainland of China - At 4/4/07 09:48, Cindy said...
Hi Michelle,
It is great to see your updated message here. You may not know me..but I just would like to tell you..you got one more fan on the world..that's me..hahah! I just saw "saving face" playing on HBO days ago in Taiwan and really enjoyed the film and really appreciated your performance in the film. Hope can see your new work in Taiwan soon...when will be that?
last..hope you enjoy the contest..
Best regards,
Cindy - At 4/4/07 12:02, cherrie340 said...
I am your faithful Fan in Taiwan
And come to your Blog renewal of checking you to leave a message every day
Do you still remember that my English is very poor?
But your Blog which I check every day willing , the ones that make great efforts in my way that and use are written and leaving a message to support you ...
Maybe it no a correct syntax , but I really make great efforts to let you know that I support you very much!!!
I know that I am only one among your numerous fans ,but I have been looking out for any in LA of yours and performing news very much all the time ~^_^~
glad to see your post again!!!
Hope you can enjoy the contest of AIDS Healthcare !!
Support you forever ~
and you are the best actress in my heart ~\^O^/~
Hope you can be more and more marvellous every day !!
your fan in Taiwan - At 5/4/07 01:15, said...
Michelle, Michelle...
Why do you post these things so late? I'm trying to be a supportive fan here and I'm trying to attend most of your events if you haven't noticed. LOL. Just kidding. I'm very happy that you're updating the blog.
Some fans have even messaged me telling that you blogged about me. o_0 I feel embarrassed now about my blog. But you visit my blog and don't leave me a comment! For shame... >_< No... I'm very happy that you mentioned me on your site, actually I'm flattered that you recognized me.
If you need someone to help run your websites, let me know. I run websites for a living! :)
Also I have a question. Which theater group will you be performing "Made in Taiwan" with? And it's the Tribeca Film festival right? Any specific dates yet?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Not only do I try to support you, but reporting my MK adventures gives the fans something to look forward to. So, I do it for you and for ALL your fans out there.
Maybe the next time I meet you, I can get some sort of in-depth interview for all your starving fans.
Your Number 1 Hardcore fan,
-Duong - At 5/4/07 22:36, Wain said...
Hi Michele
Congratulations! Nanking got the price at Hong Kong film festival. I’m really looking forward to see it here in Taiwan. I was shocked but fascinated by those histories while I was in junior high school. I still remember the pictures on my history textbook people killed and hanged, dead bodies…… they were extremely terrifying. I’m glad to see you participate in this kind of film, especially for the one who grown up in western culture. It’s not easy and it’s really a serious topic. I quite admire the choices you have made. You are a tasteful and special artist.
By the way, Judge, I hope you have a great time for the contest tomorrow.
Wain - At 9/4/07 00:02, Tum said...
hello Michelle,
just drop by to say hi,
just saw your movie Saving Face on HBO Hongkong few days ago. it's such a wonderful movie.
you are such a great actress.
ha ha i know you may read this type of message for many time ...
but just want u to keep doing this. i like the way u act the way u speak :) when u speak chinese is so cute :P
well, keep working beautiful girl but don't work too hard :)
your fan from bangkok :) - At 10/4/07 14:17, fish said...
I'm Taiwan.....so~~~~??haha~
nothing~!!I can't speak English so much....so~~~^0^
I just want to speak with you.
and tell you~~I love your acting.
well~~I love you,too.~~!!
I expect you have more new movies laterly cause I can't see your TV show in Taiwan. about you say..I'm happy for you. hope my English will be better and better.pray for me~!!haha~~fish - At 17/4/07 12:15, Unknown said...
since this is the only way to leave you a message, i hope you don´t mind me expressing my condolences for what happened yesterday at VT here. i can imagine that this tragedy must be emotional for you and i do hope that noone among the hurt ones have ties to anyone you know.
if you rather not want to share whats on your mind about this, i can understand.
i hope this finds you well.
maureen - At 17/4/07 13:58, Hung said...
Hey Michelle,
You're the only classmate I know to reach. I can't I believe it happened. I've had classes at Norris, and even got written up for being in AJ after hours because I was visiting a friend there. It's been so long since I was an undergraduate. Hope you're having a better day.
Hung - At 2/5/07 06:50, PL said...
Hi Michelle,
Glad to know that you take part in such a noble event on creating an awareness on AIDS. You're such a all-rounder artiste.