"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Made In Taiwan message Take 2
Thursday, August 09, 2007
As promised, here is take 2 of Michelle's message to you guys out there! Michelle wanted to re-do this because it was more quiet in the stage area.
*I think we need a 3rd take of this. J/K :-P
**Background noise courtesy of: Duong, Kai, Shirley, Stella, Puiki and Joanne.
Direct Download links for you non-Youtube users:
(Please be sure to have a compatible XviD or DivX codec installed to watch these)
Made In Taiwan Take 1
Made In Taiwan Take 2
In other Michelle news, she's told me that she's been busy with filming her new TV show. But hopefully she'll have some time to drop by to update you guys.
Labels: messages, multimedia
Posted by Anonymous @ 8/09/2007 09:37:00 AM |
- At 9/8/07 16:55, Unknown said...
Thnx Duong for all your time and your work *-You are the Best-*
Hugs...bye - At 9/8/07 17:01, Unknown said...
Oh God, MK's so so so gorgeous!!
oK. Bye - At 16/8/07 02:51, kookaii said...
Dude! this is sweet!
ps. thnx for the non-youtuber links - At 25/8/07 18:18, said...
Hey there, I love your site!! Could you please tell me the name of the song that's playing and by whom, thanks a bunch!!!
- At 27/8/07 09:12, said...
Thievery Corporation / The Mirror Conspiracy - "So Com Voce"