"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Venice Film Festival Far North Update
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Hey Guys and Gals,
I've recently returned from Venice, Italy where "Far North" had its world wide premiere. I had a great time and it was startling to see the film on the big screen. We shot in the arctic, so seeing all of that beauty again displayed in the cinema was a real treat. "Far North" will be premiering at many more festivals so keep your eyes open and continue to wish the film lots of success. I have to thank Georges Chakra for his beautiful premiere dress and thanks to Issa of London for her lovely cow print dress during the press conference. I was thrilled to be wearing their designs and lucky that I could...fit in them. I read someone's post asking about how I stay in shape...the answer is...very little food. HA!! No, don't worry. Come on, I'm Taiwanese, I LOVE food. The real answer is...lots of dancing around in the living room and hiking up the mountains with Stella, my dog-daughter.
Big Kisses,
Posted by Michelle @ 9/05/2007 08:19:00 PM |
- At 6/9/07 04:14, Unknown said...
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your update and great to hear that you had a good time in Venice. I keep my eyes on this year Venice Film Festival because of you, I believe same as the other fans. You look so beauitful on those dresses(especially the pink dress, you look really young on it, like a princess!) I found a short interview of yours from the internet .
Can't wait to see your performance in "Far North"
Take Care
Shirley - At 6/9/07 10:09, kookaii said...
Hello Michelle,
That must've been some serious dancing and hiking to keep you in THIS gorgeous shape!
Thanks for dropping in and giving us the update despite how busy your are and congratulations too!!! I'm just glad to see you look nice and shining. Venice must really give you good vibes. I'm counting the days to see Far North in theater but I guess it'll be quite a while until it reaches Thailand so I'll just keep counting. :P
kai - At 9/9/07 05:54, said...
Looking forward to your new work! :)
pk - At 18/9/07 21:29, said...
Hey Michelle, My name is Rashmi (rushme). I am a half indian half philippino lesbian and i cant seem to find my place in the acting industry. I live in austin texas(the live music capital of the world!!) and their motto is "Keep Austin Weird" which is weird because alot of the roles casted here are typical blonde, highschool, white washed american family based crapola! haha so i really dont know what my question is here im just lost as to where to go next.. cali? new york? ...?? By the way i just recently saw your movie Saving Face and i think i have a new fetish for asians haha. how cliche! nah but i did see your interview on the dvd that i rented and if you havent tried the lesbian thing.. its pretty liberating.. though it is really annoying when EVERY single person i tell has to ask "so when your with someone, whose the guy?" In austin i believe there is about a .01% population of true Lipstick Lesbians!there are still NO femme lezze's. soo anyways the film was brillant, you are gorgeous and i would love to pick your brain especially that stunning lynn chen. well in this whole mess of a mssage if you would like to reply you can hit me up on my email toofresh03@yahoo.com or check me out at my myspace at www.myspace.com/femme6 any plans on coming to austin? well take care.