Michelle Krusiec

"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man, Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate

Dirty Sexy Michelle Episode 4
Friday, October 19, 2007

Episode 4 has 2 scenes of Michelle in it. Michelle's hair is so pretty in this first scene!

What do you guys think about Michelle's performances so far in Dirty Sexy Money?


Posted by Anonymous @ 10/19/2007 02:26:00 PM


At 19/10/07 15:38, Blogger Yu-Fan said...

I wanna get to see her MORE!!!!!!! MORE!!!! Though I'm willing to spend the entire show time just to see her for only a few scenes.

At 19/10/07 20:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duong, you want to know what I think of MK's performance? I think it's FREAKIN' AWESOME.

The character has more complexity than in the first episode... does she know? Does she not know? She's got a good number of lines and yes, MK's hair is very pretty. =o)

I am a little confused though, cuz Mei Ling Hwa started out not speaking any English, then she had some chinese accented English, and now, perfect English. What's going on with that?

Yu-fan, right on. I feel your pain. Wednesday is MK Nite at my house. If you want to walk in front of the TV, you better crawl.

#2 Fan

At 21/10/07 11:48, Blogger Yu-Fan said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 21/10/07 11:52, Blogger Yu-Fan said...

Guys, good news yay
I found this incredibly amazing launcher that allows you to watch almost all the series on ABC. In other words, you can watch Dirty Sexy Money online yay. I think it's absolutely legal (and free^^) 'cause it's on the ABC official website.
The link to the launcher is:

我找到一個超棒的線上TV 可以在上面看到完整的DIRTY SEXY MONEY 而且完全免費 合法 因為我在ABC的官方網站上面找到的

At 24/10/07 11:41, Blogger gloria_c said...

miss you so much MK

At 25/10/07 01:09, Blogger Pappylicious said...

hey michelle!

deanna, aurora and myself were watching tv tonight, and guess who we saw gracing the plasma on "Dirty Sext Money"?



C,D & A

At 4/2/09 00:54, Blogger Rains said...

Nice Post of a great show!!! Dirty Sexy Money is my favorite show on television. It has its own special charm to it. I love the characters in the Darling family.

At 17/10/10 12:09, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the videos. Actually I Watch Dirty Sexy Money TV Show Online and I have seen all episodes. Its really wonderful show.

At 19/2/11 10:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is so much craze can be seen among peoples about tv shows. I am also crazy about tv shows and I Watch TV Shows Online.


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