"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Back from Taiwan and Back in LA!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I'm back in LA now but only for a couple of weeks. I am planning to return to NYC to work on a new play, adapted from Haruki Murakami's novel, Wind Up Bird Chronicle.
I appreciate the shout outs from everyone and will try and address some of the questions being raised.
I keep this blog mostly about work because as an actor, I really value my privacy. The kind of work I do makes it difficult sometimes to remain private, but it's something that is of utmost importance to me. When it comes to work, I love connecting with the public and with you guys, that's the best part! I really draw upon your guys' energy. I'm happy to share thoughts and talk about the nature of what I do in my public profile, but when it comes to private subjects, I like to keep those thoughts for myself. So, I hope you'll support my choice and I apologize if it makes my blog a little -- well, straightforward.
I met Wayne Wang last night and found him to be inspirational and a true iconic filmmaker. I was going to say an icon in Asian American filmmaking, but he doesn't want to be labeled so I won't do that to him on this blog!!! Go check out his film "A Thousand Years of Good Prayers" and the companion piece, "Princess of Nebraska."
O! (That's the Shakespearian O) Far North is coming out on DVD September 23rd and opening in the UK December 26th. So, get your copy soon. If you are in Taiwan, Far North opens on December 5th. So, I may be returning to Taiwan --- very soon!
Love and fresh lychee from Taiwan (my favorite),
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Posted by Michelle @ 8/06/2008 10:32:00 AM |
- At 12/8/08 09:06, Duxton said...
hi MK
Just wanna let you know (in case you have not already realised ) that you certainly do have fans in Asia and especially Singapore. It would be lovely to see you in Singapore. I do know Singapore is kinda very far away from LA. Nevertheless hope you would have some project in Asia soon so that you may squeeze some time to visit Singapore.
PF from SG - At 14/8/08 04:10, Kert said...
hi, duxton is right. If you ever have the chance to come to Asia, I hope you'll also visit the Philippines.. XD. Stay happy. XD
- At 23/8/08 11:15, lyh0626 said...
we fans in taiwan do miss you a lot!
- At 3/9/08 08:51, 瓜瓜 said...
I am your fan who live in taiwan :)
- At 8/9/08 10:30, said...
hi geek, am also your kabayan. yeah michelle go to the philippines, it'll really be cool to see you around!
- At 9/9/08 00:39, 瓜瓜 said...
i want to see her! - At 10/9/08 11:07, Duxton said...
to my taiwanese fans, pls give Singapore a chance... at least she has been back to Taiwan a few times and have not yet got a chance to meet her fans in Singapore...
MK: It would be great if there were to have projects in SG so that you may get to meet your fans here. Cheers!
http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=17903753095 - At 26/8/09 04:22, said...
I watched both movies recently and liked " A thousand years of good prayers" though I though the character of the daughter was under utilized. "The princess of nebraska" also had it moments but I kind of got lost in the ending, I am not usre what statment he wanted to make.