"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Enjoyed the Yelle concert last night
Friday, March 13, 2009
I went to the Yelle concert last night. It was one of the most
energized concerts I've been to in a LONG time. The audience was
incredible and the music was soooo -- irresistible. Yelle is french
pop with this kind of energy and bounce that is so delightful, she had
everyone in the audience making heart symbols with their hands during
one song. I have to admit, I couldn't believe people were making
heart symbols at a concert at the El Rey of all places. If you
haven't heard some YELLE. Buy it, download it...then kick everyone
out of the house and dance in the living room with some sunglasses.
The entire album flies by and is completely worth the humiliation of
being silly and indulgent. You will find yourself making a heart
symbol with your hands and smiling!
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Posted by Michelle @ 3/13/2009 12:09:00 PM |
- At 13/3/09 22:23, said...
like U.Do your best!
- At 14/3/09 08:37, said...
first time hear the music;enjoy it:-)
- At 16/3/09 20:02, said...
Just saw you in Saving Face and you were great!!! You are incredibly talented and so beautiful. I wish you all the success.
- At 5/5/09 18:48, said...
A cause des garçons! Nice song and it's the first time I see the clip never thing to look for.. ( duh )but nice. I saw the movie saving face, that's great, really " j'ai adoré " you're simply the best! Hope to see you in a other movie! Sarà eccellente!