Michelle Krusiec

"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man, Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate

A Shout Out to UAE
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I want to send a shout out to UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. I've been
receiving fan letters from there and since I've never visited...it was
lovely getting letters from you guys over there!!! I hope my travels
or film projects bring me in that direction very soon.


Posted by Michelle @ 3/17/2009 07:04:00 PM


At 18/3/09 00:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Brazil, Michelle? Samba, Churrasco, Chorinho, Sao Paulo - santos, Soccer, Beach, Sun...

Please, not forget Brazil. You are welcome. =]

At 18/3/09 07:55, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art has no boundary:-)

At 18/3/09 13:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHOUT OUT To BRAZIL!!!!! Thanks, Leandro xx

At 19/3/09 10:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are disputed by several people. UAE is a great place, is a nation with a culture that I would know.

Do you have relatives here. This I did not know. I remember when my mom saw you kissing another woman on "saving face". Her words: "This is a courageous woman."

I am doing a project with Rosanne Wong. Unfortunately I only have a female character now. Small but important. However, small. When I have a strong character, I talk with your agent.

At 19/3/09 20:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha ,just want to leave a footprint here ,I'll support you forever ,Michelle~~~

At 20/3/09 20:10, Blogger a drop of water said...

You are so lovely ! I come from Beijing ! Please not forget China mailand fans !

At 21/3/09 08:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

呵呵~I am also a drop of water from Shanghai~

At 21/3/09 10:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come from Jiangsu ,just say hello to you !(*^_^*)

At 22/3/09 07:36, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come from Jiangsu too~and I am studing in Shanghai now~I am a college student~

At 23/3/09 06:57, Blogger Mihir F! said...

A small Shout out from India! Been a fan since "Traveller' days on Discovery Channel...
All the Best and looking forward to reading up on your Blog!

At 24/3/09 17:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you can visit to Shanghai...

At 26/3/09 08:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks INDIA, Thanks CHINA... Of course you know I am always sending the love. The world is a very big place but I believe we are more alike than unalike. So, stand strong and make yourself present wherever you may be, because when people find the occasion to "rise" it is an undercurrent that is felt throughout the world.

At 26/3/09 21:46, Blogger a drop of water said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 26/3/09 21:50, Blogger a drop of water said...

I agree with you that we are more alike than unalike. I cannot tell what you appeals to me so deeply . Maybe your natural performance, your personality,or your attitude to aspire after truth of arts. I cannot tell that , but I want to say thanks for your existence! And thanks for the advance of technology that can make us so close to you and let us feel you are near us as a friend ,when we are in different courtries . So, my dear friend , you are not alone! Good luck!


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