Michelle Krusiec

"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man, Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate

Happy Chinese New Year!
Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy New Year 2010

Thank you for the photo You Wei Chen.


Posted by Michelle @ 2/12/2010 03:23:00 PM


At 1/3/10 13:20, Blogger megan saltzman said...

very pretty pic. happy tiger year!

I recently saw Saving Face for the second time and it really impacted me. Obviously the film overtly breaks taboos. For those of us who have felt like second class citizens for whatever reason, the film finally gives us something to identify with, ultimately giving us hope that films like these will some day change the general collective conscious. On the other hand, for those who don't think much about gender or cultural issues, it exposes them to this reality, probably, making them think or rethink, and perhaps be more accepting.

The second time around I realized that these more meaningful or social-political outcomes were achieved at a more personal, nuanced, and realistic level by YOUR superb acting! Seriously! And also that, your acting, along w the humor and emotional but light-hearted moments of the film, are what allows the film to engage with and channel these important issues to a diverse audience (as opposed to solely a LGBT or Chinese-American audience).

It's a very important and politically avantguard (!) film, ultimately improving peoples' lives! In my opinion, art can't aspire to anything greater than that! (I work in academia and in a somewhat similar, artistic, personal but non-pushy way I try to get some of these same ideas across to my students.)

In the bigger scope of your career so far, I wanted to thank you for your willingness to perform both straight/gay/bi roles and with such realistic precision. This is a big deal! The media, for better or worse, is pretty much what shapes our ideas nowadays, so when actors and actresses like yourself are willing to be open and show the ambiguity of gender, it really contributes to breaking down the hurtful gender dichotomy and repression.

Thank you (and Alice!) for your all's hard work and I hope in the future you'll have opportunities to enjoy working on other artistic projects with this kind of potential!

: )


ps- I recently saw the vagina monologues moaning performance on youtube-- absolutely hilarious!! I wonder who wrote that script...


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