"What makes Alice Wu's debut so pleasurable is its easy rhythms, its sly juxtapositions, and its relaxed but funny performances. A generous straight man,
Krusiec gives the film emotional heft...."---Slate
Made In Taiwan ETtoday Clip
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thanks to allme. Here's a news broadcast about Made In Taiwan from a Taiwanese news broadcast. This is also a chance for all the international fans to catch a glimpse of the actual Made In Taiwan show.
They were filming during the show that I watched. o_0 A little note: I unknowingly make a brief appearance in this. >_<
Congrats to Michelle for her MIT success!
Labels: multimedia
Posted by Anonymous @ 8/31/2007 09:13:00 AM |
Far North Premieres at the Venice Film Festival
Far North recently premiered at the Venice Film Festival. Until now not much was known about the film, but thanks to Reuters.com we now have a glimpse of the storyline.
Here's an excerpt:
Far North offers chilling lessons.
"Set in the northern reaches of Norway in a land that is almost timeless, the film begins with an act of cruelty rendered with utmost gentleness as Saiva sacrifices one of her dogs for its blood and meat. The only human she allows near her is Anja (Krusiec), a beautiful young woman she has raised since saving her life as an infant.
There is a sense of threat not only from the climate but also from the heavy boots of unleashed military authority. All is well, however, until one day a man shows up near death. Loki (Bean) is from a village far away fleeing rampaging soldiers, and to Anja's surprise, Saiva takes him in. It's not a good move."
Read the full article here.
Credits: Reuters.com
Photography Credits: Gettyimages.com
Labels: events, multimedia, photos, press
Posted by Anonymous @ 8/31/2007 05:39:00 AM |
Made In Taiwan message Take 2
Thursday, August 09, 2007
As promised, here is take 2 of Michelle's message to you guys out there! Michelle wanted to re-do this because it was more quiet in the stage area.
*I think we need a 3rd take of this. J/K :-P
**Background noise courtesy of: Duong, Kai, Shirley, Stella, Puiki and Joanne.
Direct Download links for you non-Youtube users:
(Please be sure to have a compatible XviD or DivX codec installed to watch these)
Made In Taiwan Take 1
Made In Taiwan Take 2
In other Michelle news, she's told me that she's been busy with filming her new TV show. But hopefully she'll have some time to drop by to update you guys.
Labels: messages, multimedia
Posted by Anonymous @ 8/09/2007 09:37:00 AM |